• Palm Sunday 2022
  • Advent Wreath
  • Palm Sunday 2022
  • Parish Center
  • Christmas 2023
  • Church 1913
  • Easter 2023
  • Christmas 2021
  • Church 1988
  • Easter 2022
  • Station of Cross
  • Holy Week 2021
  • Picture in Reconciliation Room
  • Old Church Dedicated in 1913
  • Christmas 2021


Corpus Christi Parish is that portion of the People of God gathered in Shiloh where all are welcome. A Eucharistic community bound together by our faith in Jesus Christ called to evangelize all ages, especially our youth and called to the healing ministry of service to the poor and marginalized. We are also called to be a voice of hope by serving with humility, mercy and faithfulness; witnessing to the goodness in every person.



Clean Up Day

Chicken Dinner


Look what is in the works. Watch our website, bulletin, Evangelus, myParish App, and Facebook for future information on how to sign up.

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FORMED is the premier Catholic streaming service, bringing beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families, and individuals around the world. You will have access to award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, ebooks, and family-friendly kids’ programming.


Partnership Mass Schedule

4:30 PM Saturday: Corpus Christi
9:00 AM Sunday: Corpus Christi (Live Streamed)
10:30 AM Sunday: St. Joseph, Lebanon

Weekday Masses

Tuesday & Thursday 8 AM: St Joseph, Lebanon
Wednesday & Friday 8 AM: Corpus Christi

Holy Day of Obligation: TBD


Saturday 3:30-4 PM: Corpus Christi
Sunday (Following Mass): St Joseph, Lebanon

Prayer Hour for Vocations with Adoration & Benediction

First Thursday of the Month 7 PM:  Corpus Christi

Second Collections

Sunday, October 20th 

     World Mission Sunday

Sunday, November 17th

     Catholic Campaign for Human Development     

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Liturgical Notes

 Mass will continue to be live streamed at 9:00 AM with the video available to view for 48 hours. Holy Communion is now offered under both species. Whether you decide to take communion via the cup remains a personal decision.

Club News


Men's Club

ladies club


Feed a Family

Feed A Family Menu

Joseph House

We are currently feeding over 125 plus students each week. If you can help cook, please see the sign-up board in church as we have had to increase the amount of food needed each week.

Sick of the Parish

That the sick and suffering find courage, strength and consulation in Christ and his Cross.

Our prayers go out to the sick of the parish especially Dallas Kellerman, Debbie Mills, Curt Reno, Sheila Siegel, Art Stolle, Leah Terrill, Russ Stroot, Fr Jim Thomas, Myron Thomas, Anne Waller, those with cancer, and those with mental and chronic illnesses.


This Weekend

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

When we're going through a hard time, it can be a bit awkward to share it with other people. No response seems to bring comfort: "I know what you mean." "That's awful." "I feel bad for you." There's a bit of depression that can accompany the thought that no one knows what it's like, no one knows how it feels, and no one really has anything to say to make you feel less "othered" in that moment. But our God came to suffer with us. Not to lord over us with superiority or to look down his nose at us or to pity us. He suffers along side us, as his fully-human experience allows him to feel our pain and know our human need. Even in-perhaps especially in-suffering, we are never alone.

excerpt 2024 Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays, LTP

Faith Formation


Our adult faith formation program -"When You Pray: A Clear Path to a Deeper Relationship with God" continues with 2 more Tuesday evening sessions on October 22 & 29. 

Youth News

Parish School of Religion - Faith Formation
Families, who join the parish during the year or whose children are not currently enrolled in our faith formation program are welcome to register their children in PSR at any time during the year by contacting the Director of Religious Education, Michele Stroot, at (618)632-7614 or ymshilohcc@gmail.com.
Luke 18

st Clare school mass

Bonfire and Bonding

Family activity

Ongoing Items

Mass intentions


What's Happening

St Joseph - Lebanon

pork steak dinner

Diocese of Belleville

Bibles and Brews


Adoration Chapel

St Clare School


st clare newsletter

Office Hours:

Monday thru Thursday - 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Friday - 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Contact Us:

Office Phone: 618-632-7614

Rectory Phone: 618-632-5631

Email: corpuschristi1@sbcglobal.net

Connect with Us:

Facebook logo @CorpusChristiChurchShiloh

instagram logo @corpuschristishilohil

myparish app logo Corpus Christi & St Joseph (for handheld device)

                        myParish app

          (You have the option to opt out at any time. Standard message & data rates may apply.)

YouTube Logo Corpus Christi and St Joseph

St Joseph Pic St Joseph Catholic Church, Lebanon, IL


Follow us on Facebook

Calendar of Events

Click HERE for Month View


  • Sun, Oct 20th

  • Sun, Oct 13th

Online Giving

Online Giving